The main runway on North Field
This building was used by the Japanese as their command center on the island. It was damaged during the US invasion.
Another side of the Japanese command center.
This is one of the bunker that line the airfield.
Rach leads the way.
View of the bomb blast door.
Looking into the bunker.
We were just leaving the airfield when we got caught in a sudden rainstorm. We ran into this building for shelter and were stuck there for about an hour. Luckily Rach had had the foresight to bring a 6 pack.
Looking out into the rain.
This is the door we sat under while waiting for the rain to end. The entire building was covered in wasp nests (the brown things on the door) and giant spider webs.
One of the spiders.
The surrounding jungle.
After the rain quit we headed out to the Nuclear pits.
This was the first nuclear bomb pit where one of the nuclear bombs was loaded onto the plane.
The plaque in front of the first pit.
Another view of the first pit.
The plaque in front of the second nuclear pit. This pit is about fifty yards away from the first pit.
The second pit.
They had some old photos of the bombs being loaded displayed inside the pits.